Saturday, July 16, 2011


I really don’t understand what life is all about. Are we put here, on earth, to recreate and continue to generate new life? But if we are supposed to continue to produce, even though this world seems to be fucked up as it is, is it a safe idea? Or should we just make do with what we have, and try to fix the world?

As I grow older, I have thought about having children… But then I think, hang on, do I really want to put a child of my own, if he or she is going to go through, what I have been through? It feels like there is a massive ditch/slump/black hole growing up between the ages of 13 – 17 years of age. I, as a sixteen year old, living in a great country, still cannot seem to grasp the point of living nor do I know how to continuously stay happy. And yes, you may be thinking ‘Okay, um, this girl is only 16 years old, nearly 17, how does she know about life?’.

Well I don’t know too much about life, but the amount of things that I do know, aren’t great nor positive. Now, I could be having this completely negative view because of the things that are going on in my life right now, but why shouldn’t I be allowed to have an opinion? Isn’t life about staying happy and fulfilling every dream and thought you possibly can?

Uh, sorry, but I am yet to find that “fulfilling feeling” through my 17 years of hopeless life.

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